The New York State Department of Education (NYSED) has requested a waiver to cancel standardized assessments this year.
If the waiver request is granted, 3-8 assessments will be cancelled;
If the waiver request is not granted, NYSED has determined that assessments will be administered in-person only - remote administration is not possible;
Assessments will be shortened and administered in one session for each subject discipline;
Remote only students have the option to come to school to take the test. Please contact the school if you are interested in having a remote-only student complete the State test(s).
Pending a United States Department of Education waiver of standardized testing, the NYSED has set the following testing dates:
ELA: Grade 3 (Monday, April 26); Grade 4 (Tuesday, April 27); Grade 5 (Wednesday, April 28); Grade 6 (Thursday, April 29)
Mathematics: Grade 3 (Monday, May 10); Grade 4 (Tuesday, May 11); Grade 5 (Wednesday, May 12), Grade 6 ( Friday, May 14)
Science: Grade 4 (Monday, June 7)
If you plan to have your child “opt out” of one or more of the assessments, please complete the "opt out' Testing Form no later than Friday, April 9, 2021.